Saturday, August 15, 2009

Half Way to the Prize

Can you believe it? I'm almost half way through NaBloPoMo. It hasn't been all that hard. Of course, the presence of Hope - lively, challenging and always charming - in my life provided more material for this blog than I had time and room to write about.

The truth is I never lack for something to say, some interesting - to me - topic to explore. The challenge for me of posting daily is that writing does not come quickly or easily for me. Can't remember who said (Hemingway?) I'm not a good writer, but I'm a hell of a rewriter. While I'm not in the same league as Hemingway or thousands of other amazing writers, it truly is for me all in the rewriting. And daily blogging doesn't allow time for that. What I write here feels raw and unfinished, definitely unpolished. Yet, given my undisciplined nature, that words have shown up in this space for 15 consecutive days is pretty astounding.

I don't know what you will find posted here tomorrow. I can only promise you that if you come back, I'll meet you here.


  1. I think it was John Irving who said that bit about "hell of a rewriter," but I can't find the citation.

  2. Thanks for reading and for the comment. Let me know if you come up with anything. Doing the NaBloPoMo thing again at Posting every day, but not feeling inspired...
